Providing Energy Safely and Responsibly

RAPDC is a fully indigenous energy company operating one of the best shallow water marginal assets in Nigeria

Who we are

Our Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide energy in an efficient, safe, and environmentally responsible manner. We will achieve this by leveraging on advanced technologies, investing in our people, and fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

What we do

Upstream Activities

RAPDC's field development plan for Oloye is proposed to be in two to three phases. The phase 1 development plan includes the re-entry of discovery well Oloye-2 and drilling of a new well, Oloye-4 to achieve a target iniia & Oloye-5 to deliver an estimated 9,000 bopd (Barrels of Oil per day) in 2024 from producing strings (in a dual completion fashion in both wells) in the prolific A and D sands.


Our Impact

Social Impact

The Oloye field Community Engagement strategy is aimed at forging a mutually beneficial partnership with the host communities in the riverine areas of Delta State.


Our Team


We are committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in all of our business activities. We have established a Code of Conduct that sets forth our expectations for ethical behavior and compliance with laws and regulations.

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